Angel Espoy
(1879-1963)Oil on canvas
20 Inches x 30 Inches
Framed Size: 27ΒΌ Inches x 37 InchesPrice: $2,500
Karges Fine Art, Carmel, CA.
Additional Information
Conservation by Fine Art Conservation Laboratories (F.A.C.L.), Santa Barbara, CA. The painting has been lined.
The painting is housed in a vintage frame which has been regilded with 22kt. gold leaf.
Angel De Service Espoy (1879-1963)
Angel De Service Espoy is known for paintings that evidence his great love of the sea. Angel Espoy did work including seascapes and maritime subjects; however, he was also an accomplished painter of California’s rolling hills of poppies and lupines.
Angel Espoy was born in Villa Nueva, Spain, on October 2, 1879. He left home at age eighteen to work as a first mate in the Spanish merchant marines. While in that capacity, he acquainted himself with every detail of the clipper ships he later painted. Angel Espoy’s desire to paint took him to Barcelona, where he studied with Joaquin Sorolla. Following his father’s tobacco interests in the Philippines, Espoy made many trips there at the turn of the century. Two years were spent in Havana, where he began to earn his living as an artist by painting designs on furniture. Destitute Angel Espoy made his way to New York City in 1904. After a return to his native land, he moved to San Francisco in 1914. He supported himself for seven years, making cartoons for movies while painting on weekends with Manuel Valencia, Carl Jonnevold, and John Califano.
In 1922 Angel Espoy moved to southern California and from that time was able to subsist by the sale of his paintings. Espoy died in Seal Beach, California, on January 31, 1963. Espoy was a member of the Los Angeles Art Association and exhibited at Barker Bros Galleries in Los Angeles.
Edan Hughes, “Artists in California 1786-1940.”
California Art Company is Actively Seeking to Acquire Angel Espoy (1879-1963) Paintings
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